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1949 as Automated System of the Backrooms[]

1st logo (1950-1954)[]

Logo: Only the words "Distributed by Automated System of the Backrooms" in a Times New Roman font.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

1954 as Automated Sync of the Backrooms[]

2nd logo (1954-1962)[]

Logo: We start on a black background, where all of a sudden, a giant, a gold optical disk (meant to represent a floppy disk) zooms out from the hole. When it stops, the gray word "It's an" zooms close and then moves back. The logo parts does the same, followed by a silver bar rectangle reading "tape" that flies out. After the logo forms, the whole thing explodes into various particles, which then turns into the logo's parts, followed by the appearance of a yellow box around the logo. Above the logo's yellow box are the words "THIS TAPE FEATURES" in orange. Finally, the word "DIGITAL" zooms out above the yellow box, and the word "TAPES" zooms out below the box, all in white font.


  • Analog variants replaces every Digital word into Analog word.
  • Watching a tape on theaters has a rare chance of showing of a floppy disk instead of a video disc.


Music/Sounds: See DTS.

3rd logo (1962-1971)[]

Logo: In a grass scene, we find many discs and disks showing many tapes of found footages of the Backrooms that can be rained from the sky over a disk and disc opening. We have the parts of the PC, and the opening and parts flow up, creating a computer. The computer screen has a logo over it. The computer hits the screen without any shatter.


Music/Sounds: Calm music, whooshes when the discs and disks and parts move, machine sounds when they go in the opening, and it goes more powerful until the end. A gong is heard when the computer hits the screen.

1964 as ASYNC[]

3rd.5th logo (1964-1969) Prototype[]

Logo: Just the words "ASYNC" in a Times New Roman font. "A" is in blue.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

4th logo (1969-1972)[]

Logo: In a blue background, a white line appears, and makes a clone, and a short line floats into the middle, creating an "A". The words "SYNC" and "LABS" float on the screen. We see a lens flare and a shine in the logo.

FX/SFX: 3D letters.

Music/Sounds: The HTV "ITV" logo Flipping Letters.
