Background: Akita News is a Japanese news program that aired on TVTokyo since 1974.
1st Logo
Nicknames: "The Rare Flare" "Akita!"
- Opening: On a blue/dark blue gradient background, we see the text and the Japanese text both in 3D. There is a flare in front of the text.
- Closing: The flare is replaced with every "NEWS". We see the symbol that resembles the 終.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: A calming and majestic fanfare with low arps.
Availability: Uncommon to rare. May have seen on Akita broadcasts from the time.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Dean Buzzwell
2nd Logo
Nicknames: "Akita Background" "Copies of News" "Akita! II"
- Opening: We start on a blue background with "AKITA" on it. We see copies of the letter "News". We see the text and the Japanese text on it.
- Closing: The background shrinked, now with the 終 letter.
FX/SFX: Same as the previous logo.
Music/Sounds: A piano tune, with some tuning batteries.
Availability: See the 1st logo.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Dean Buzzwell
3rd Logo
Nicknames: "Clouds" "Akita! III"
- Opening: On a cloudy background, we see a grid on it. We see the text and the Japanese text.
- Closing: We see the 終 sign behind the text.
FX/SFX: Same as the last 2 logos.
Music/Sounds: Same as the last logo.
Availability: Very rare, may be seen on some networks made in Akita, and may be seen on 3 and 5 minutes of the Akita broadcast.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Dean Buzzwell
4th Logo
Nicknames: "The Eiffel Tower" "What Are The Japanese And The iYaTaKa Logo Doing Here?" "Akita! IV"
- Opening: We see a cloud background with an globe behind the Eiffel Tower. We see the NEWS text and the Japanese text.We see the Japanese logo and the iYaTaKa logo behind in it.
- Closing: We see the background, but replaced with a big and stretched globe Earth. There is the 終 in it.
FX/SFX: Same as the last 3 logos.
Music/Sounds: Same as before, but loud.
Availability: Extremely rare.
Editor's Note: TBA
- Dean Buzzwell (1984-1986)
- Steven Yamaguchi (1986-1987)
5th Logo
Nicknames: "Country Akita" "Akita! V" "City of Akita(closing variant)"
- Opening: We see a country of Akita in a circle blue/purple gradient color. We see sun-like rays in front of the circle. with the text and the Japanese text.
- Closing: We start on a dark blue/blue gradient background with clouds. There is a city of Akita with a flare behind it. We see some rainbow lines, that look like the street. There is the same text from before (this time with a 終)
FX/SFX: Same as the last 4 logos.
Music/Sounds: Same as before.
Availability: Rare. Seen on some broadcasts of Akita from the time that features in 4:3.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Steven Yamaguchi
6th logo
Nicknames: "Lots of Akitas" ":O" "Akita! VI"
- Opening: We see a lot of countries of Akita. There is the logo appearing with now in white and red. Some text appears on there.
- Closing: Same as the Opening, but the other countries are changed by color. The symbol is not appearing but "END".
FX/SFX: None. As the last 5 logos.
Music/Sounds: Same as before.
Availability: Rare.
Editor's Note: TBA
- Steven Yamaguchi (1993-1998)
- Norman Caruso (1998-2002)
7th logo
Nicknames: "X-Ray City of Akita" "Aesthetic?" "Akita! VII"
- Opening: We see a clip of the X-Ray City of Akita (similar to Interstellar Laser Fantasy) spinning around, as the logo from the last logo appears.
- Closing: The same as before, but the 6th logo replaced with the 5th logo. Now with 終.
FX/SFX: The footage, and the text.
Music/Sounds: A majestical news fanfare. A closing news fanfare in the closing variant.
Availability: Common. Seen on news broadcasts from this era.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Norman Caruso
8th logo
Nicknames: "Night in Akita" "Goodbye, Akita"
Logo: TBA
FX/SFX: The words and the wind.
Music/Sounds: A calming and tuning guitar theme.
Availability: Current.
Editor's Note: TBA
Anchor: Norman Caruso