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Amharic Films (formerly as Amharic Film Presentation), is an Ethiopian film company based in Addis Abada. The company was first founded in the late 1920s as “Amharic Film Presentation”, which was renamed to its current name in 1960. In the late 2010s, the company got shutdown.

Amharic Film Presentation[]

1st Logo (June 9, 1931-October 26, 1942)[]

Visuals: On a black background, there is a shield with “AFP” inside it. Underneath it are the words “AMHARIC FILM PRESENTATION PRESENTS…”.


  • On Ibadan Agkan, the logo is seen on a white floor background.
  • On Tegeik, the logo is in-credit.
  • Sometimes, the style of the logo may change.
    • On Rafik, the text is in a 3D style font and the shield is in a small size.
    • On Nagen Wagu, the text is in Amharic.
    • On Egead Heamus, the company’s name is absent.

Technique: A still cel.

Audio: None or the opening theme.

Availability: Seen on Ibadan Agkan, Tegeik, Rafik, Nagen Wagu and Egead Heamus.

2nd Logo (January 12, 1943-1947)[]

Visuals: On a cloudy background, there is a 20th Century Fox-esque tower containing with giant AFP shield, under it is a pedestal with “AMHARICFILMPRESENTATION” carved into it.

Variant: On the Brazilian print of Fadkir, “Apresenta” is seen underneath the pedestal.

Technique: Model work.

Audio: The opening theme.

Availability: Seen on Odag , Fadkir and its Brazilian print, Rarafa Nege and Dawa.

3rd Logo (November 3, 1947-July 30, 1951)[]

Visuals: TBA

Technique: Model captured by camera.

Audio: The opening theme.

Availability: Seen on TBA

4th Logo (March 5, 1952-December 23, 1960)[]

Amharic Film Presentation[]
