Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: BBC Pictures is a British media company of BBC.



Nicknames: "Streaks of Doom", "Ominous BBC", "Dark BBC"

Logo: On a black background,a blue streak comes in from the left of the screen and a green streak comes in from the right of the screen. The two streaks merge to form a red line in the middle of the screen and they leave behind green and blue lines afterwards. The BBC boxes fade in above, forming a CGI version of the 1980 BBC Logo when the word Pictures appears.

Music/Sounds: A somber and creepy 9-note piano piece followed by the sound of a choir holding the final note.

Availability: Common. TBA. It has first appeared in the 1980s British films. it appears in the 1990s British films and BBC Films Titles. Seen on VHS tapes and DVDs released by the company named Video Collection International.

Scare Factor: Low to nightmare, because of the logo's ominous nature, combined with the piano piece, as it may unnerve some viewers, and might as well give viewers bad dreams. The scare factor is none for people used to seeing it.



Nicknames: "Streaks of Doom II", "Square Boxes", "Ominous BBC II"

Logo: On a black background, a blue streak comes in from the left of the screen and a green streak comes in from the right of the screen. The two streaks merge to form a red line in the middle of the screen and they leave behind green and blue lines afterwards. The BBC boxes fade in above, forming a CGI version of the 1982 BBC Logo when the word Pictures appears.

Cheesy Factor: The red, green, and blue streaks make it look like the background was designed for the last diagonal BBC logo. Also, it almost looks like an outline of the BBC 2 Water ident.

Music/Sounds: A version of the 1997 BBC jingle (used on a few BBC self promotion trailers).

Music/Sounds Variant: A low tone version exists for the closing variant.

Availability: Common. Same as the 1st Logo. It has appeared in the 1980s British filmsthe 1990s British films and BBC Films Titles. Seen on VHS tapes and DVDs released by the company named Video Collection International.

Scare Factor: None.
