Background: This is a film company that was formed in 1984, to make the infamous comedy-drama-horror-action film, Enter the Inner Workings of a Bowtie, about people dying at an amusement park, which was distributed by DeFabbio Pictures.
(July 26, 1985)
Warning: | Do not look up a video for the variant if you have epilepsy. |
Logo: On a colorful psychedelic background, a man dressed in black fades in on a huge platform. As he turns to the camera, his eyes bulge out of his sockets. His eyes eventually go back into his sockets, and the camera pans into his face, it fades to black, leaving a line drawing of the man's face on the left. The letters "BTP" appear in the lower right corner.
Variant: On the trailer, the full logo is played, but the background is even more psychedelic up to the point that the fact that it’s flashing colors.
Technique: Camera-controlled animation for the background, CGI for the eyes and live-action for all other elements.
Music/Sounds: A "soft" theme that ends in a bunch of people yelling "BATTERYTECHNICA!". On the trailer, it's a heartbeat sound that plays throughout the whole trailer.
Availability: Only found on Enter the Inner Workings of a Bowtie and it's trailer.