Big Earl Partridge Productions is a fictional production company founded by Earl Partridge, best known for producing the longest-running quiz show, What Do Kids Know?.
Logo (December 15, 1999)[]
Visuals: Superimposed over the show's end credits, a white rounded square fades in with a armadillo-looking shape with a bell on top of its head and 9 multicolored circles going clockwise around the shape. To the left is text that reads
Technique: Fading effects.
Audio: Unknown, because the TV in which the end credits to What Do Kids Know? has been muted. It may have been the show's ending theme or so.
Availability: Seen on What Do Kids Know?, the fictional game show from the 1999 film Magnolia.
In case you're wondering, this company needs to appear on the Fictional Company Logos page on the Audiovisual Identity Database (AVID).