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Caldi Video is an Studio founded in 1945 in New York City.




Nicknames: "Spinning"

Logo: on a grey background th word "VIDEO" spinning a word "CALDI" appears.

FX/SFX: An great animation

Music and Sounds: similar to NBC logo fanfare



Caldi video 1978

Nicknames: "Super Caldi" "Intercaldi"

Logo: on a black background appears a letter in colors: red "C" orange "A" yellow "L", green "D", blue "I" and a only purple and pink word "VIDEO' only appears.

FX/SFX: Scanimate by Dolphin Productions

Music and Sounds: an dim dim in 6 minutes




Nicknames: "Tallest Buildings"

Logo: on sky background downs New York City that represents appears "CALDI" and "VIDEO" and "PRESENTS" stop it.

FX/SFX: Stoping

Music and Sounds: an tam, tam, tamm tamtramaram by a guitar




Nicknames: "Tallest Buildings II"

Logo: on a blue background a buildings that apears "CALDI VIDEO"

Music and Sounds: None
