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background: cland ann movies is a indonesian film company was founded in 1969, the film company was headquarted in surabaya,indonesia, later in 1981, the film company was filled of bankrupt and replaced to yellow princess productions.

Cland ann movies logo (1975)

logo: we see a picture of japper mcjapps is talking about a distance happening at cland ann, the scene freezes on a light golden text called, cland ann movies on the bottom called, present

music/sounds: japper mcjapps is talking about a distance happening at cland ann, when the scene freezes, the playful xlyophone sound and the loud trumpet sound

SFX: a very scary and creepy live action animation

nicknames: animated cland ann screenshot, cland ann and japper mcjapps from hell

scare factor: the music looks so loud but scary to a big noisy loud sounds
