Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: ConnorWorks Pictures was the film division of ConnorWorks Entertainment Inc founded in 2013 starting with Amazing Max, but their first film with a logo was A Blue Moon.

1st Logo

(April 8, 2016-2017)

Nicknames: "Saoirse on A Star", "Saoirse from Heaven"

Logo: On a purple starry sky, we see a shooting star coming from the right screen to the bottom screen, the star then flies to the screen and we see Saoirse from the 1951-1983 logo, the logo then becomes a still image on a black background with the text "ConnorWorks" in their respective font below it, under the text is "PICTURES" in Century Gothic, the Corus Entertainment byline appears below the image,

Variant: Starting with Crystal View, the byline now says "A corus. COMPANY" with "corus." in the corporate font.

FX/SFX: The star flying, the background transformation, & the text fading in. Traditional CEL animation.

Music/Sounds: A Deep Synthesized Score.

Music/Sounds Variant: On Revenge of The Companies That Got Their Logos Ripped Off From This Company (The last movie with this logo), it's the opening theme of the movie.

Availability: Common. Seen on their films from 2016-2017. The last film to use this logo is mentioned above.

Scare Factor: None.

2nd Logo


Nicknames: "CGI Saoirse on A Star", "Saoirse on A Star II", "Saoirse from Heaven II", "CGI Saoirse"

Logo: Same as before, but with 3 differences.

  1. The logo is redone in CGI.
  2. The star emits rainbow when it flies.
  3. A firework effect appears when the logo becomes a 2D image.

FX/SFX: Majestic CGI!

Music/Sounds: Same as before, but with whooshing sounds when the star flies & and a twinkling sound effect when the logo transforms.

Availability: Current. Debuted on Saoirse's 2nd Adventure, may appear on future releases.

Scare Factor: Same as before.
