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Background: Dead Daffy Duck Video is an Australian home video distributor, it was created by the Australian founder who focuses on international horror films that are dubbed in English. The debut of Dead Daffy Duck Video that was founded in 1986, the company became more popular in 1996 which it produces more international horror films as well. by the next day when the founder saw WB Splatter when he saw Bugs Bunny shooting Daffy Duck, he created the 3rd logo in December 2008. Whenever Warner Bros. is in part of approval of the home video company in Australia which it’s a form of counterpart, the company is still going as of today.
1st logo
Warning: | Due to logo’s gore content. Photos and videos will be seen on site. |
Nickname: “Dead Daffy Duck” “Elmer Fudd, why did you shoot Daffy Duck like that?” “Australia’s worst home video ever!”
Logo: On a blue background, we see Daffy Duck (from “Looney Tunes”) laying dead with pool of blood. the company name is in red and in Time New Roman font.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sound: Same as the 1980 Dead Bugs Bunny Video logo.
Availability: Rare. Seen on some international horror movies that are dubbed in English on VHS in Australia.
Editor’s note: The home video company used to be a scary logo, due to the gore content which Daffy Duck’s corpse was in strong content.
2nd logo
(1990-November 2008)
Warning: | Due to logo’s extremely gore content. Captures and videos will be seen on site. |
Nickname: “Dead Daffy Duck II” “Daffy Duck’s death on operating table” “The Australia’s disgusting logo ever” “Killed ALF Films’s cousin” “R.I.P. Daffy Duck” “Shadow of Bugs Bunny”
Logo: On a black background, we see Daffy Duck strapped on an operating table (a la Dead Osodashi Pictures which it didn’t get until 2012). All of the sudden he pukes blood as it’s also his intestines where it poured on the operating table, then he dies from blood loss as the words “Dead Daffy Duck Video” in dark red in different font. we see the shadow of Bugs Bunny as it appears to be seeing him deceased, then the logo fades out.
FX/SFX: 2D animation done by the British animator.
Music/Sound: The horror music from the movie’s soundtrack plays, followed by the sound of Daffy Duck puking. then the Bugs Bunny in his demonic voice saying “Eh? What’s up doc?” as it was heard.
Availability: Common. Seen on some international horror movies that are dubbed in English released on VHS and DVD in Australia.
Editor’s note: The logo is possibly graphic nature and gore content which it upsets the Australian fans of Looney Tunes.
3rd logo
(December 2008-)
Warning: | Due to the logo’s gore content. Videos are be seen on site. |
Nickname: “Bugs Bunny kills Daffy Duck” “Dead Daffy Duck III” “WAIT! WHAT THE WORLD IS THAT?!” “Beat that Viacom!: Australian edition” “WB Splatter logo” “Producciones Muerto ALF’s cousin” “Australia’s very most disgusting logo ever!” “Dead Pearlie Productions’s Australian brother”
Logo: We see the footage of the “WB Splatter” by J Cauty and Son when Bugs Bunny points the ACME gun at Daffy, and shoots him off the head. the background turns black as the words “Dead Daffy Duck Video” in Blue as it was seemed to be showing until it zooms out.
FX/SFX: The animation and fading.
Music/Sound: The Derann Video fanfare.
Availability: Common. Seen on some international horror movies that are dubbed in English released on DVD and Blu-ray in Australia.
Editor’s note; Just the like last two logos, this logo is still on gore content. since James Cauty and his son created the animation of Bugs Bunny killing Daffy Duck off, the logo is in strong graphic nature while it contaminated with each companies’ music.