Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

(July 2014-)

Warning Warning: Due to the logo's violence and graphic gore, please do not post captures and videos of this logo on this site here. As variant, please don't put photos and videos on here.

Nicknames: "Oh C**p!!" "Poor Denzel!!" "Dead Mouse Productions' Even Scarier Cousin" "R.I.P Denzel Dugglemonster" "Henry: I Hope Denzel Doesn't Die" "Oh S**t!! What Happened" "How Poor Denzel Fell off" "Oh my god!" "Rilan Movie Arts' Scarier Brother" "Poor Thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Logo: On RoarsVille We See Henry Looking at Denzel Dead But Like Semut Film, the Company's Name Did Not Appear.

FX/SFX: None. Expect Logo Fading in and Out.

Variant: Only The Name of Company is on a Black After Image Fades Out.

Cheesy Factor: FAR OFF THE CHARTS!!! They put Denzel dead with blood and the Indonesians have no right to do this. They also stole The Filmgroup logo fanfare. This is the one of the unsuitable logos ever.

Music/Sound: The 1960 The Filmgroup logo fanfare.

Availability: Seen on horror, thiller and suspense movies produced by the company.

Scare Factor: High to nightmare. The image of Henry looking at Denzel dead while crying and the stolen music should scare you.
