Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki


You Doodle Pro 2017-05-04T03 59 36Z

Logo: On a Blue Background We See The Text "DENZEL DUGGLEMONSTER FILMS INC." in White Appearing in Ident.

FX/SFX: None. Until Less Film Scratches.

Trivia: This Warner Bros Sueing The Company Over Distributed The Cartoons Because Denzel Dugglemonster is Not Here in This Logo Until Henry HuggleMonster Premiered in April 15 2013.

Music/Sound: None.

Availability: Seen on Once German Dubbing Warner Bros Cartoon Included. One Example Was "Alles fauler Zauber","Kommt ein Häschen geflogen", The 1953 German Dubbed "Entnervte Ente" and More.

Editor’s Note: none.

2nd Logo

(May 2013-)

Nickname: "Denzel" "Hey!! It's Denzel!!!!" "Dugglemonster Logo"

Logo: On a White Background We See Denzel Standing On a Company's in Same Font in Black Appearing to be In Here.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sound: An Part of an Walt Disney Home Entertainment Fanfare.

Cheesy Factor: They stole TWO things from Disney, a character AND the fanfare from one of the divisions. No wonder Disney sued them,

Availability: Seen on Warner Bros Cartoon and Disney Cartoon German Dubbing Appeared to Be on DVD.

Editor’s Note: None.

Final Note: Disney found out what the company's logo was using, and sued them 10,00 dollars.
