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Background: Felis Pictures was a company that produced television films and some theatrical releases.

1st Logo (1991-1995?)   Nickname: "Pink/Blue Text Slide"

Logo: Over a black background, we see pink and blue shapes sliding from side to side. After a few seconds, we zoom out to reveal the text "FELIS" , with "FEL" in pink and "IS" in blue. The word "PICTURES" zooms in below, in red. 


  • There is an earlier variant in which "PRESENTS" fades in below that, in purplish-blue. This usually appears on trailers for films made by this company, particularly the trailer for Rise of the Clans.
  • At the end credits, "DISTRIBUTED BY", in really small letters, is seen above the print logo of Felis Pictures, in white.
  • At the end of the trailer, The Grim Reaper vs. NYC Police, there is a still version of this logo with the text "Distributed by" above.

FX/SFX: The sliding out of "FELIS", the zooming of "PICTURES" and the fading of "PRESENTS". None for the closing variant.

Music/Sounds: Four synthesized dramatic-yet-simple ascending tones, and then electronic theme music. Kettledrums are heard as "PICTURES" zooms in. None for the closing variant.

Music/Sounds Variant: There is another variant of the logo theme with drumbeats during the 4-note tune.

Availability: Rare. Still intact on television of the time frame, such as SunburnAbracadabra! The Cash is GoneRise of the ClansThe Grim Reaper vs. NYC PoliceHis Bark is Worse than his Biteand Greed of the CEO. The best source is releases of the studio's output by Entertainment Home Video or Maple Leaf Video. These films have never been released on DVD, at least in the United States.

Scare Factor: Low. It may surprise you the first time you see it. None for the closing variant.

2nd Logo (1991-1999)

 Logo: At the beginning of any film, we see an in-credit text on the screen saying: 


But on the closing credits of some Felis television films, this is the in-credit custom logo:



"DISTRIBUTED BY" is sometimes shown above it, in the same style as before.

FX/SFX: None for the opening variant, and the scrolling of the credits for the closing variant.

Music/Sounds: The opening and closing themes of the film.

Availability: Rare. Seen on various television films and some theatrical releases of the era, such as Attack of the Mutant Toddlers (film version), Driving Homeand the theatrical film Demons from Florida, among other films.

Scare Factor: None.
