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Background: Winged Suitcase Group was launched in 1971 by Ying-xiang, initially serving as the distributor of films in Taiwan. It later launched a production division in Hong Kong in 1986.

1st Logo

(1980's-Late 1980's)

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Nicknames: "Winged Suitcase Sculpture", "Winged Suitcase"

Logo: We see a sculpture of Suitcase at the left on a black background. At the right side of it, the outline of a red square with Suitcase with wings (which is the company's emblem) zooms out with a trail effect, and it stops, revealing the white color of the emblem. The square flashes, and the words "WINGED SUITCASE PICTURES LTD." wipe in. The eyes of the man flashes, and four Chinese letters wipe in between the emblem.

FX/SFX: Animation reminscent of the 80's Hong Kong logos.

Cheesy Factor: One thing, they stole Suitcase from Inanimate Insanity. Before that show even existed!

Music/Sounds: A synth tune beginning with an arpeggio. There's also a descending sound when the company name wipes and a bling at the end.

Availability: TBA

Editor’s Note: TBA

2nd Logo

(Late 1980's-Late 1990's?)

Nicknames: "Winged/Flying Suitcase", "Winged Suitcase II"

Logo: On a black background, two stylized waves appear and clash onto each other, causing themselves to splash, releasing a huge amount of water drops. The background lights up to see a yellow/orange sun background and a winged/flying Suitcase appears. The bubbles follow the Suitcase and disappear, while the suitcase roars. The Suitcase moves, sees the golden Chinese letters (which are the Chinese translation of the company's name), when Suitcase is not going to form an "S", the sun grows larger and turning into the gold gradient background. The emblem is formed and the Chinese letters flies, while the English translation appears and flies along with the Chinese letters. The Suitcase emblem places itself at the top (and rotated to the left a bit) while the company names put themselves at the bottom of the emblem, forming the finished logo.

Variant: There was a variant where the text is replaced by "WINGED SUITCASE INTERNATIONAL LTD.". Also, the bevel of the texts are more wider and they're facing to the top.

FX/SFX: Very good CGI animation.

Cheesy Factor: See the first logo.

Music/Sounds: A string-like sound is heard at the beginning, followed by the suitcase roar. Then a Chinese-styled theme is heard, with the last note sustained. An arpeggio is also heard at the end. The International variant has the theme low-pitched.

Availability: Common in China/Hong Kong, but rare in the US. The easiest places to find this logo is on Swordsman II and it's sequel The East Is Red, which are also made by Film Workshop and Golden Princess. The "WINGED SUITCASE INTERNATIONAL LTD." variant may be seen on international prints of their films.

Editor’s Note: It’s a favorite and well-known logo of the Hong Kong/China movie community.

3rd Logo

(Late 1990's?-2010's)

Nicknames: "Winged Suitcase III", "We Only Have The Suitcase Here"

Logo: On a space background, we see the suitcase emblem on the bottom. The emblem moves, reveals it's entire form and places at the top of the screen. The red square fades behind it and a line appears, where the Chinese letters and "WINGED SUITCASE GROUP" text below fade in.

FX/SFX: 90's quality CGI.

Cheesy Factor: See the first logo.

Music/Sounds: A majestic fanfare beginning with a timpani roll.

Availability: TBA

Editor’s Note: The effort put in here is not as good as the previous and next logos.

4th Logo


Nicknames: "Winged/Flying Suitcase II", "Winged Suitcase IV", "Now We Have A Lot Of Suitcases!"

Logo: We first see a black/green gradient background with "liquid" gold below (kinda like the 1986 Yamakotobi TV logo). Steel dragons (with yellow lights) come out of the water and move around. The camera cuts to various angles. In one of them, we see a part of a suitcase (which is probably it's hand) opening. The camera cuts to another angle and a suitcase's face is shown and it roars. The camera zooms out to reveal that the suitcases has finished the Suitcase emblem (in yellow/gold). The emblem zooms out to the center. When it's almost done zooming, the text "WINGED SUITCASE GROUP" appears via "light ray" effect.

FX/SFX: Very good CGI like the 2nd logo.

Music/Sounds: A synth drone, along by sounds that accompany the logo, like the suitcase’s roar.

Cheesy Factor: See the first logo. Also, Suitcase can't roar.

Availability: Current. Seen on their most recent movies.

Editor’s Note: The people who liked the 2nd logo may like this, because it’s a throwback to the that logo mentioned before.
