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File:FXM Home Video 1994-2000.jpg

FXM HOME VIDEO 1994-2000

FXM Home Video[]

1st logo(1994-2000)

Nickname: "FXM Structure"

Logo: Same as the 1994 Ident, but we zoom out to reveal that the bottom of the structure says "HOME VIDEO" in place of "MOVIES FROM FOX" but the only difference is the orange (best of) version.

Variant: Same as the 2nd FXM network ID.

FX/SFX: Same as the 1994 network ID.

Music/Sounds: Same as the 1994 network ID.

Availability: Seen on 1994-2000 original movies and original shows from FXM before the name changes to Fox Movie Channel.

Scare Factor: None.

Fox Movie Channel Home Entertainment[]



Nicknames: "3-D Searchlights", "The Fox Movie Channel Structure"[]

Logo: Same as the 2000 Fox Movie Channel ID, but with the words "HOME VIDEO" (later "HOME ENTERTAINMENT") fading in.

File:Fox Movie Channel Home Video.jpg

Fox Movie Channel Home Video

File:Fox Movie Channel Home Entertainment.jpg

Fox Movie Channel Home Entertainment

FX/SFX: Same as the 2000 network ID.

Music/Sounds: Same as above.

Avaliability: Seen on 2000-2005 original shows on VHS and DVD. This logo appears on the 2001 VHS and DVD prints of Altman: On His Own Terms.

Scare Factor: None.



Nicknames: "3-D Searchlights II", "The Fox Movie Channel Structure II"

Logo: Same as the Fox Movie Channel Presents logo, but with "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" in place of "PRESENTS".

FX/SFX: Same as the Fox Movie Channel Presents logo.

Music/Sounds: Same as above.

Avaliability: Seen on 2005-2007 original shows on VHS (which ended) and DVD (which began).

Scare Factor: None.



Nickname: "The Structure Strikes Back"

Logo: Same as the 2007 Fox Movie Channel Productions logo, but with "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" in place of "PRODUCTIONS".

FX/SFX: Same as the 2007 Fox Movie Channel Productions logo.

Music/Sounds: The final four notes of the Fox Fanfare.

Avaliability: First seen on The Vince Show: Season 1 on DVD. This logo can be seen on The Erika and Destiny Show: Season 1 on DVD.

Scare Factor: None.
