Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: Haunted Movies is a joint venture between Blumhouse Productions, Oren Peli, Steven Schneider and Alliance Films. They don't have a logo until 2012.

(2012- )

Nicknames: "The Paranormal Activity Logo", "The HM Building"

Logo: Same as the Blumhouse logo, expect at the end, the "BLUMHOUSE PRODUCTIONS" text is replaced by the "H" and "M" are shaped like the building and "HAUNTED MOVIES" under the logo.

Trivia: Same as the Blumhouse logo.

TV Variant: On The River, the logo is a still image and under the logo is the J.A. Green Construction Corp. logo.

FX/SFX: Same as the Blumhouse logo. None for the TV variant.

Cheesy Factor: The "HM" building were look like the 1970s and 1980s.

Music/Sounds: Same as the Blumhouse logo. None for the TV variant.

Availability: The still logo was seen on TV series The River. The on-screen animated logo was debuted on The Bay.

Scare Factor: Same as the Blumhouse logo.
