Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

1st logo


Nickname: "Rick Fusterman and the Tree" "knocking a tree down" "Rick Knocks his Tree Down the Ground"

Logo: On a White Background We See Rick Fusterman Cutting a Tree with a chainSaw And Then Rick Says "I'm cutting a tree" in English or Indonesian When He Starts Cut The Tree Last Time and Then The Tree is Knocking Down and Rick Fusterman Screams Loudly when he Starts Running Off and He Almost Crushed by a Tree Which Footage Freezes We See the Text "P.T Knocking Tree Productions" in Black which it's few seconds of Logo until Logo ends.

FX/SFX: Nice 2D Animation.

Music/Sound: An chainSaw Cutting a Tree Which follow by Rick Says "I'm cutting a tree" in English or Indonesian which possibly continues cutting a Tree and when The we hear falling sound and follow by Rick Fusterman screaming very loudly and then the Tree almost crush him and then we hear a majestic-violin Fanfare follow by the trumpet Fanfare.

Availability: seen on the Indonesian Movies such as "Bangun, jake !!!!!".

Editor’s Note: None.

2nd logo


Nickname: “knocking a tree down II” “Tom (from Tom and Jerry) and the tree” “What is Jerry doing to the tree?” “Tom vs tree”

Logo: the logo takes place in the forest, we see Tom Cat (from Tom and Jerry) waking up from the nap when aware it’s in front of the tree. We see Jerry Mouse cutting a tree with a saw while trying to be caught by him. The next shot where Tom is watching tree, ready to catch the yellow bird. All of the sudden, the tree began to fall as Tom just starts running away. We hear him screaming as he continues to run, almost crushed by a knocking tree. The footage freezes as the text "P.T Knocking Tree Productions" in white where it goes in 12 seconds before it cuts to the film.

FX/SFX: Great 2D animation. Done by Warner Bros. Animation in United States.

Music/Sound: The yawning sound, follow by the beautiful spring music, the birds chirping, saw cutting a tree, then the tree falling, the running sound, Tom screaming, then the falling sound, and the majestic music was heard when the footage freezes to the logo. The music are both composed by Randy Newman and Tom Erba.

Availability: seen on most Indonesian movies from 2005 to 2010.

Editor’s Note: none.

Final Note: the logo went defunct in 2010, due to the rehabilitation problems and failure of the company in Indonesia. which is no longer in business.
