Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: Line Films Inc. produced only 2 B-movies, them being made by just this company.

1st Logo


Can someone put up images and videos of this logo here?

Nicknames: "Now It's Sounding Like The Morgan Creek Logo From 1991-2001/2001-2009", "Where's The Line?"

Logo: On a lake we see a fisherman sleeping on a chair, then we zoom out of the box as we see the text "Line Films Inc." on the bottom, the logo stays until the music ends.

FX/SFX: The zooming out.

Cheesy Factor: Not only did they make this boring, they also stole the Morgan Creek fanfare! Also, where's the line since the company is called Line Films Inc.

Music/Sounds: The Morgan Creek fanfare. On the trailer for the film that uses this logo, it's the opening theme of the trailer.

Availability: Rare. Was seen on Eagle War, also seen on the trailer for the said film.

Scare Factor: None, this is just boring, however, you may laugh at the blatant music theft.

2nd Logo


Can someone put up images and videos of this logo here?

Nicknames: "Well, They Got The Line!", "Filmstrip Line", "The Line"

Logo: On a space background, we see a flying filmstrip line, 4 seconds later, the filmstrip flies past the Earth, then the filmstrip stops flying as it passes Earth, then we see the text "Line Films Inc." flying letter by letter.

FX/SFX: Majestic CGI Animation! Also, the line is there in filmstrip mode!

Music/Sounds: A triumphant fanfare.

Availability: Just like the previous logo, it was seen on Car Wreck, it's also seen on the trailer for the film.

Scare Factor: Absolutely none! The fanfare is majestic and the line is there!

Final Note: The reason why they only made 2 movies is because they filed for bankruptcy after the second film was released.
