Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

1st Logo



Logo: TBA

FX/SFX: The zooming-in of the statue.....

Cheesy Factor: Outdated Indian effects. However, things get worse with the next logo.

Music/Sounds: An indian melody with a man singing a religious phrase in Hindi.

Availability: Seen on Shamee, Khavim Fatta and Jaal Jaal Chalo.

Scare Factor: Low to high.

2nd Logo



Nicknames: "Why Bother Me?" "If Disney Would Ever Saw This?" "The Past of Elsa and Anna" "They Would Exist at the Time, But they Didn't" "India's Region is Over! The time of rip-offs has come!"

Logo: TBA, the name of the company doesn't appear.

FX/SFX: None, it's a still logo.

Cheesy Factor: Are you kidding me?! This obliberates the scale. Let's make this clear -You have to wait one minute to the picture to start, and not only they stole Elsa and Anna from it, They stole the Rajahi Pictures logo too!! TBA

Music/Sounds: Same as the Rajahi Pictures logo.

Availability: Seen on their films of the time.

Scare Factor: Medium. You can consider this cute, or call this a very distant rip-off.

3rd Logo


Nicknames: "Why In the World Are The Still Using This" "Let It(NOT)Go!" "1st Place in The Worst Indian logo Awards"


Logo: TBA

FX/SFX: None.

Cheesy Factor: TBA

Music/Sounds: Same as the Rajshri Arts & Combines logo.

Availabilty: Seen on their films of the time, such as Shist.

Scare Factor: Low to medium. While tamer than the first logo, you can still consider this a rip-off. However, things get worse with the next logo.

4th Logo


Nicknames: TBA


Logo: TBA

FX/SFX: None, it's a still logo.

Cheesy Factor: TBA.

Music/Sounds: The music sounds somewhat similar to the Rajahi Pictures logo, but for 1 minute and 20 seconds.

Availability: Seen on their films of the time.

Scare Factor: Low to nightmare, because of the deep announcer and the darkness. You may consider this cute, again.
