Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

1st Logo (1967-1977)


Logo: TBA

FX/SFX: The zooming-in of the statue and outdated Indian effects.

Music/Sounds: An Indian melody with a man singing a religious phrase in Marathi.

Availability: Seen on some Marathi movies like Shamee, Khavim Fatta and Jaal Jaal Chalo.

Editor’s Note: TBA

2nd Logo


Warning Warning: The Video Is Very Loud! Turn Down Your Volume Before You Can Watch It!

Nicknames "Star Of Doom"

Logo: TBA

FX/SFX: The Zooming In Of The Star,And The Screen Filled In Silver.

Music/Sounds: A Announcer Saying Something In Marathi,It Stops,Then The Star Zooms In While A Very Loud Trumpet Fanfare.

Availability: Seen On Anta Javala Ahe.

Scare Factor: High To Nightmare.
