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Background: In 2018, MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment is now Mega-Shonen-One-64 Home Entertainment. It was a brazilian distributor who produced some English subtitles.


Nicknames: "The Cuphead Picture" "The New Logo"

Logo: Same as the MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment (Brazil) logo, but the MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment logo is replaced with the new brand logo (with a picture of Cuphead at the left with "Mega-Shonen-One-64 with shadows, with HOME ENTERTAINMENT in a pixel font) over the old logo.

FX/SFX: Same as the MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment (Brazil) logo.

Music/Sounds: Same as the MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment (Brazil) logo.

Availability: Rare, may be seen on English subtitled movies, like The Figures From Earth.

Editor's Note: Same as the MarcosPower1996 Home Entertainment (Brazil) logo.
