Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: Millennium Home Entertainment was a company who was responsible for the VHS releases of Two Rich Dogs, a show that aired on a Public Access network, as well as various movies and do-it-yourself videos.

1st Logo



Nicknames: ”Letters Drawing Themselves“

Description: On a black background, we see the word Millennium seem To write itself. Then, Home Entertainment writes below it.

FX/SFX: The words forming.

Music/Sounds: The music from the Starmaker Logo.

Scare Factor: None to minimal.

2nd Logo

(1992-1998, 2001)

Nicknames: CGI Letters.

Description: On a black background, we see the word “Millennium“

Fly in. Then a line draws underneath it. After that, the words, “Home

Entertainment” appear below.


FX/SFX: The whole thing.

Music/Sounds: The music from the Vidmark Entertainment Logo from 1988.

Scare Factor: Same as before.
