1st Logo (1942-1945)[]
Nicknames: "The Spinning Globe", "Suitcase Broadcasting Company".
ID: We see a globe spinning over a cloudy background. In front of the globe is
in the middle of the screen.
FX/SFX: The globe spinning.
Music/Sounds: None or the announcer saying "This is SBC, the Suitcase Broadcasting Company."
Music/Sounds Variant: A variant exists, where the announcer says: "This is the SBC Film Presentation."
Availability: Extinct. This logo was spotted on Tales Of Horror and other programs from the time.
Editor's Note: This logo was short-lived. However, it's not strange.
2nd Logo (1945-1952)[]
ID: Over a gray background, we see a circle, then "SBC" appears one-by-one in sync with the announcer.
FX/SFX: The word appearing.
Music/Sounds: An announcer saying "This is S-B-C. The Suitcase Broadcasting Company."
Availability: Extinct. Was only seen on two programs.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo (1952-1958)[]
ID: We see a star on the gray background. The word "SBC" zooms in.
Variant: There was a variant where the logo is dark at first, then brightening up.
FX/SFX: The zooming in. For the variant, the brightening.
Music/Sounds: An announcer saying "This is the SBC Television Network."
Availability: Extinct. It can be found on several SBC releases. Check your old releases!
Editor's Note: None, unless the zooming in can get to some.
4th Logo (1958-1964)[]
ID: There's the word "SBC". Below it is "SUITCASE BROADCASTING COMPANY".
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: A brass fanfare or the announcer saying "This is the SBC Television Network".
Availability: Extinct. Was spotted on three programs among others.
Editor's Note: A rather bland logo. Although it's not strange.
5th Logo (1964-1972)[]
Nicknames: "Letters", "Early SBC".
ID: 6 letters (G, H, I, S, B, C,) come from the left to the right. Three of the letters (S, B, and C) stop while the other 3 move away. The "S" turns red, followed by "B" turning blue, and "C" turning green. It zooms out a little, followed by the black area zooming out, revealing a circle and the beige background, forming the SBC logo after.
Variant: A B&W version exists.
FX/SFX: The letters moving, the stopping, the changing, and the zooming out.
Music/Sounds: A dramatic fanfare, accompanied by an announcer saying "This is an SBC color presentation." On the B&W version, the announcer is omitted.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- There was a different variant, where the announcer says "This program is being televised in color. This is an SBC color presentation and SBC presents this program in color."
Availability: Extremely rare. Was seen on color programs this time.
Editor's Note: The animation is quite smooth. However, the fanfare can startle some viewers. Besides, the B&W version might not sit well for some.
6th Logo (1972)[]
ID: We see the outlined SBC logo over a blue background zooming downward and reaching to the centre with some trails.
Variant: Many variants, in which the background is either colored red or black among others exists.
FX/SFX: The zooming.
Music/Sounds: A synthesized whoosh when the logo zooms in, followed by a 70's disco theme. An announcer says "This is SBC, The Suitcase Broadcasting Company!".
Availability: Extinct.
Editor's Note: None.
7th Logo (1978, unused)[]
ID: There's a star spinning on the black background, which morphs into a circle. The word "sbc" zooms inside of the circle.
FX/SFX: The morphing and the zooming, made by Computer Image Associations.
Music/Sounds: A disco theme, which sounds muffled. An ascending warbling sound when the star morphs into a circle that descends when the word "sbc" zooms in.
Availability: Extinct. Seen on Computer Image Associations' Demo Reel of 1972-1978.
Editor's Note: The sounds and the music might be loud to some.
8th Logo (1983)[]
Nickname: "We're The One!".
ID: We see the SBC logo made out of gold, shining over a golden background. The screen blurs as the word
zooms in one-by-one in sync with the chorus.
The word fades out along with the screen blurring out.
FX/SFX: The shining, the blurring, the zooming, and the fading.
Music/Sounds: A disco theme that sounds like from the 80's. The chorus then sings "We're the one!", followed by an announcer saying "We're the one on SBC!".
Availability: Extinct. Check old off-air recordings.
Editor's Note: None.
9th Logo (1999)[]
ID: We see the SBC logo on the orange background with "Suitcase Broadcasting Company" appearing one-by-one in sync with the announcer below.
FX/SFX: The word appearing one-by-one.
Music/Sounds: An announcer saying "S-B-C!", followed by the SBC chimes played on the synthesizer (G-G-C).
Availability: Extinct. Again, check old off-air recordings.
Editor's Note: None.
10th Logo (2001)[]
ID: A ripple appears on the orange background, revealing the SBC logo. A few seconds later, "Suitcase Broadcasting Company" appears, making another ripple.
FX/SFX: The rippling and the appearance.
Music/Sounds: A rather majestic fanfare with sounds of rippling, ending with a dramatic theme of the SBC chimes.
Availability: Extinct, once again, check old off-air recordings.
Editor's Note: A great way to end with the last ID. However, it's not over yet. As we know, new IDs are coming soon. Be prepared!