Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

Background: Sun Corporation is a variety card made by Christan Ramerdez.

1st logo (2014-present)

Logo: On a sunset background with mountains and water, we see a small couch flying. Two people are sitting on it and one is holding a bowl of SpagettiO's. A blue Chinese-like symbol appears over it while the cyan text "Sun Corporation" appears over it.


  • A extended variant with "Paving the future" under the symbol appears on movie from Christan R. starting with "The Story of My Life".

FX/SFX: The background moving.

Music/Sounds: A voice saying "Sun Corporation." on the extended variant, the voice also says "Paving the Future."

Availability: Common. Seen on every show Christan makes such as "Paul and Stompbox" on Adult Swim, "Idiot School" on Fox, and "Totally Random and Epic Defence Force!" on Jaybross XD.

Scare Factor: None.
