Background: The Titanium Video Disc (TVD) is a standard for consumer-level analog video recording on 3½-inch floppy disks. Invented by Theorysonic in 1984, It was released in 1985. It is used for recording, saving, and watching videos and movies. The size of TVD is 800 MB. It is also used for 2 or 3-part video disk. TVD titles are packaged with rather 1, 2 or 3 disks depending on the length. The format was discontinued in 2003. Bionicle VI: Island of Doom was the biggest-selling TVD, with over 1 billion copies sold. Three companies produced models of the TVD: Theorysonic, Latikuu, and Yamaha.
Logo: We fade in the staircase. We go up the stairs and door then opens itself. As we enter the bedroom,- the camera pans to the desk with two draws, some files, the flower, and TheoryDesk. The camera zooms to the TheoryDesk's disk slot. We're now set in space. Suddenly, the TVD disk flies up from the bottom of the screen. Once finished, the TVD disk zooms out and disappears. The TVD wordmark trails then flash. As the TVD logo becomes silver, the rainbow-colored celestial lights appear. The TVD logo shines.
Variant: When Disk 1 is finished playing or if you insert Disks 2, 3 or 4, depending on the length, the TVD logo just shines in the purple space background.
Music/Sounds: A twinkling chime sounder at the beginning, culminating in a synthesized orchestra fanfare (like an old Pokemon episode title card). The variant has no music.
Availability: Common. It was seen on every TVD title.
Editor's Note: TBA