Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki


This was the vanity card of Don and Jacqueline Moody, Peter Schneider, and Gary Friedman, the creators of WordWorld.

Logo (September 3, 2007-January 17, 2011; August 1st, 2024 -)[]

Visuals: On a white background is a yellow cartoonish box that pops open, with a purple tornado, a green exclamation point, a white cloud, and a yellow lighting bolt coming out of the box. The words "The Learning Box" with a yellow drop shadow behind "Learning" and "Box" are seen below.

Variant: For WordWorld: Build it Again!, the logo is reanimated in the same style as the show. The logo is now closer to the camera. The box now shakes before opening, and there are more objects inside the box.

Technique: 2D animation. 2D animation produced by Kavaleer for the WordWorld: Build it Again! variant.

Audio: A party horn with children giggling as the closing theme of WordWorld plays.

Audio Variants: On the reboot of WordWorld titled "WordWorld: Build it Again!", firework noises play when the box opens then followed by the same children gigging. The closing theme isn't heard here.

Availability: Only seen on WordWorld and its reboot WordWorld: Build it Again!.
