1st Logo
(2001-December 2013)
Nickname: "The Tiger in a Mountains" "Roooar!!!!" "Roaring Logo" "Tiger Roars"
Logo: On a Sunset Background with Mountains We See The Bengal Tiger Standing on an Mountain and Starts Roaring and The Text "TIGER ROARING FILMS" in A Arial Font in Blue Color as The Tiger Stops Roaring.
FX/SFX: Cool CGI Animation.
Music/Sound: An Tiger Roaring Follow by the Birds Chirping and Winding Up the Trees.
Availability: Seen on Canadian Movies Which is English and French.
Editor’s Note: None.
2nd Logo
(January 2014-)
Nickname: "Roooar!!!! II" "Henry HuggleMonster" "Monster Roars" "Roaring Logo II: HuggleRoar"
Logo: on a Sunny Sky Background with a Hill and Some Mountains and Trees We See Henry Stomping and Standing on a Green Hill and He Starts Roaring and The Text Fading the Name "TIGER ROARING FILMS" in Same Font Like the First Logo with a Light Blue Over the Below Bottom of a Animation And He Stops Roaring.
FX/SFX: Pretty Neat Animation as Well.
- On Despending Horror Movie Variant: Sunny Sky Replaced with Dark Red Sky, The Trees without Leaves and Hill Without Flowers Appears and Then Light Blue Replaced with Blood Red with Blood Dripping Wipes in When It Freezes
- on Kids and Family Variant: Light Blue Replaced with Blue Text.
- Action Adventure Films Variant: Henry Roars Very Longer.
- Starting In 2018, The New Design has Finally Added and then Henry is Replaced with Gordon Shumway (From ALF Animated Adventures) and then Mountains is Different.
Music/Sound: The Sound of a Bird Chirping and The Wind Howling Follow By Henry Stomping and Roaring Loudly or Longer Through the Screen as He Standing on a Hill and The Trees Winding and Rumbling Noises and Stops Roaring and Henry Winking his Left Eye with Chiming Sound.
Music/Sound Variant: Depending Variants
- Horror Movie Variant: The Superfilms Video Home Logo is Heard and Wind Howling Follow By Stomping and Distorted Tiger Roars Even That Few Seconds and Freezes.
- Kids and Family Variant: 1st The Wind Dancer Films Logo is Heard with Original 2nd Logo.
- Action Adventure Variant: Henry Roars Very Longer.
- Starting in 2018, This Roaring is Different.
Avaliability: Seen on English Canadian Release.
Editor’s Note: None..