UTV is a Indian television channel based in Mumbai, India. It was founded during the British Raj era in the early 30's, and then launched in June 14, 1934. In the mid 40's, UTV started their second channel in a different city in the state named "JKYN", and after that the television went international in the late 40's.
1st Ident (June 14, 1934-1935)[]
Visuals: A woman is seen pouring a white milky substance on to a lingam on a saucepan in a room with a traditional indian paintings. A man in a traditional suit is seen at the left center holding a camera filming it. Underneath this is 3D curved text saying "UNITED TELEVISION".
Technique: A still painting filmed by camera.
Audio: None.
2nd Ident (1935-1938)[]
Visuals: TBA
Technique: A still painting filmed by camera.
Audio: None.
Rest coming soon!