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Violin Movie Entertainers is a Tamil-language film company in 1995.

1st Logo (August 19, 1997-June 4, 2000)[]

Visuals: On a black background, there is a drawing with a women playing a violin, a sun seen behind her while she stands on a grassy ground where a pond is seen. Underneath the drawing, "வனடதனல ரடவனூ ஊலேஊஐஏஅனலூஐஇ" can be seen.

Variant: On Thamanli the logo is over a blue background while the text is in English.

Technique: A still printed image.

Audio: None.

Availability: Seen on Alaknath Mapanthu.

2nd Logo (March 11, 2001-October 8, 2012, June 4, 2013-)[]

Visuals: The camera moves on a ancient Tamil city on a sunny sky, many people walk through the city as the camera bumps into them as the camera moves around the city. Then the camera enters a big building with many people and a wall with a painting of a god on it, which the camera finds an exit out of the building before entering a forest and lots of animals runs around in it as the camera continues to travel around it. The camera spots another building as the door opens for the camera which the room shows various people and statues. A golden door with two images of god on it is seen as the camera reaches it, then opens the door, revealing a bright flash of light. The light dies out a little later, to reveal a woman in a traditional Indian dress, playing a violin watching the sun set on a pond. The camera stops, and zooms out a little before the text "VIOLIN MOVIE ENTERTAINERS" zooms out by random order in a golden blocky font under the woman with the "V" and "I" being bigger than the rest of the letter with "MOVIE ENTERTAINERS" under the "IOLI". A while later, the text plays in reverse, and plays again, but in Tamil.


  • On Vaaposh: The Reval, the text is in a Times New Roman like font and colored white.
  • In 2013, the graphic are much realistic, and the animation is much smoother.

Technique: CGI.

Audio: A dramatic Indian drum theme with vocals singing, followed by a soft synth violin theme is heard when the light dies out.

Availability: Seen on new films like Paanach Pali, Omali Gupa, Kaach Vaa, Vaaposh: The Reveal, Vanad Mapan Muthu, Raa Maacha and other films.
