st Logo
Logo: On a blue background we see THE WORDS, "HERE ARE SELECTED HIGHLIGHTS FROM OTHER WALT DISNEY HOME VIDEOCASSETTES" on the left corner of the screen in yellow text.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: This was typically seen at the end of Disney films released on video at the time, either for sale or rental. In general, it's not that easy to find; it depends on the tape label, the date it was printed in (a print date is usually seen on the spine of the videotape). A few examples are the very first printing of the 1982 VHS of A Walt Disney Christmas, and the 1981 VHS of Pollyanna, and the 1981 VHS of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
Scare Factor: None.
2nd Logo (1981-1982)
Logo: On a black background we see the Walt Disney Home Video logo (with the Sorcerer Mickey) with the words "Also available from" above; everything is colored in tealish grey and outlined in white. If you look closely, you can see the copyright date below the logo.
FX/SFX: None.
Cheesy Factor: The outlining is cheap to say the least.
Music/Sounds: None.
Availability: Same as the 1st logo.
Scare Factor: None.
3rd Logo (1990-1991)
Logo: On a black background we see the words "Now On" fly down and "Videocassette" fly up and connect together. Then they sparkle and shine. This is shown before the preview of the Little Mermaid.
Variant: On the 1991 print of Shipwrecked, only the sparkling/shining animation is shown and Jim Cummings says, "Now on videocassette." This is also shown before the preview of White Fang.
FX/SFX: The words flying up and down, sparkling and shining.
Music/Sounds: The 1989 Feature Presentation jingle, while Grant Goodeve announces "Don't miss this timeless Disney classic now on videocassette."
Availability: Seen on the Walt Disney Classics 1990 print of Peter Pan. It was also seen on the 1991 VHS of Shipwrecked.
Scare Factor: Low; the fast and sudden flying of the words may catch some off guard.
4th Logo (1992-1994)
Logo: On a black background we see the blue "Now Available on Videocassette" text. This is shown before movie trailers.
FX/SFX: None.
Music: The music for the 4th WDHV logo plays and an announcer says "Now on videocassette." The announcer is Jim Cummings. Availability: It can been seen in many different films that was made from Touchstone, Hollywood and Disney. It was also seen on different prints of the Masterpiece Collection videos from the 2nd logo.
Variant: On 1994 tapes of Disney Family Film Collection tapes, It will have the 1989 FP Music with the text & an announcer saying "NOW AVAILABLE TO OWN ON VIDEOCASSETTE" which is in a different font. This is shown before two previews (Walt Disney Family Film Collection and Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection)
Scare Factor: Medium because of it's similarities to the 1992 Black-Blue FP, but compared to the 5th and 6th logos, it's nothing.
5th Logo
Logo: Same as the FP logo of the time but the text reads "Now on Videocassette". This is shown before either the Masterpiece Collection preview or a movie trailer.
FX/SFX: None.
Music: Same as the previous logo. It was featured on VHS prints like "A Women Under Influence", with the announcer saying "Ask your Video dealer about these hit titles, from Touchstone Home Video". When the Jim Henson Video music plays. It was used by the UK variant of the "Feature Presentation” logo, with the announcer saying from the "Buena Vista Home Video" logo. "Now from Buena Vista Home Video" like VHS Tapes like "A Day of my hometown.
Availability: Can be seen on 1994 Masterpiece Collection prints from Mary Poppins to So Dear My Heart. There is no logo on the 1st tape, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Scare Factor: Low, because of the 1991 WDHV Music. The next logo is a different story.
6th Logo (1994-2001)
Logo: "NOW AVAILABLE TO OWN ON VIDEOCASSETTE", "NOW AVAILABLE ON VIDEOCASSETTE" or "NOW AVAILABLE ON CD & CASSETTE" replaces the usual text on the FP logo of the time. This is shown before movie trailers.
FX/SFX: The zoom in, and the white flash.
- On the 1996 VHS of A Kid in King Arthur's Court, the "NOW AVAILABLE TO OWN ON VIDEOCASSETTE" text fades in, then fades to the 1991 WDHV logo. This was seen before a preview of Gordy.
Music: A whooshing sound, and following a white flash, a quite note, and the announcer, Brian Cummings saying one of the two clip ons above. The zoom-in variants use the 1989 Feature Presentation music.
Availability: Common; seen on most Disney/Touchstone VHS prints released within the mid 90s to the late 90s and can be even seen on a few early 2000s releases.
Scare Factor: Same as the FP logo of the time, the flash combined with the somewhat scary music may scare over a few. But none to minimal (or maybe low) if you're used to it. None for the A Kid in King Arthur's Court variant.
7th Logo (Late 1999-2005)
Logo: On a blurry blue background with a film reel on it, the words "Now Available" zoom down while the words "TO OWN ON VIDEO AND DVD" zoom in from the right. They connect, while a bunch of golden arrows move around differently. This is shown before movie trailers.
- One variant has the same animation and "Now Available" zooming down but with "ON CD AND CASSETTE" instead of "TO OWN ON VIDEO AND DVD", while the announcer says "Now avaliable on CD and cassette"
- Another variant is exactly the same as the first, but with "AND DVD" in "TO OWN ON VIDEO AND DVD" omitted so the logo just says "Now Available TO OWN ON VIDEO", while the announcer says that.
- On some DVDs, "TO OWN" is not seen, so the text says "Now Available ON VIDEO AND DVD" or "Now Available ON VIDEO", while the announcer says that.
- Around 2003 they changed it to "Now Available TO OWN ON DVD AND VIDEO"
- On some tapes from 1999 like Inspector Gadget, Pinnochio, & Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas, The logo's voiceover is used on bumpers based off their respective films.
FX/SFX: The animation.
Music: Some gentle music, while an announcer says "Now available to own on video and DVD"
Availability: Common. Seen on most VHS tapes from 2000-2005, and DVDs from 2000-2006, many of which are still in print. Both variants that are listed can be found on the 1999 VHS of Annie (the Disney TV one, not the 1982 one) and the second variant can be found at the end of the VHS of The Tigger Movie.
Scare Factor: None, much better than before.