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Water Snurp Pictures was a film company that produces Miitopia-related films. The company was first founded in January 21, 1970 by Lloyd Johnson. In January 3, 1990, the company was folded into Polyester Pictures.

1st Logo (January 5, 1971-March 3, 1982)[]

Visuals: A red line with a glowing effect appears over a black background. A few seconds later, the word "WATER SNURP PICTURES" in an ITC Avant Garde Gothic font slides in front of the line, then stops at the centre. It shines a little before it cuts to the white background for a split-second. Then after, everything is just the black background.


  • There was a closing variant, where it starts with just the word sliding in accompanied with the word "Produced by" in the same font as "WATER SNURP PICTURES" above. Also, the cut to a white background is absent; instead, it fades out.
    • Another closing variant has the word "In Association With" above it.
  • A still variant exists.
  • On the IBO Network airing of their 1975 film titled The Ancient Robot, the line appears to be yellow rather than red, but then turns red when the word slides in. This was caused by a videotape error. Most airings of their films has the standard version instead that was corrected by the network theirselves.

Technique: A mix of live-action and backlit cel animation.

Audio: A low synth drone with a switch sound when the line appears. A high synth note plays when the word stops at the centre, cutting off with a loud "ZAP!" sound when it cuts to a white background.

Audio Variants:

  • Mostly, the "ZAP!" sound and the switch sound are absent.
  • Most films has a bass note on the high synth note.
  • The closing variant has the audio just starting with a high note (with the synth drone intact) along with a synthesized whoosh when the word slides in. Plus, the "ZAP!" sound is absent.
  • Another closing variant has the audio silent.
  • The still variant has a 3-note synth music with drumbeats.

Availability: Seen on most films by the company. It was first seen on A Brand-New Robot, among their other films, then was last seen on Spirit Sword's Adventure To Attack. It was first debuted on the IBO Network airing of their 1977 film A Wild Mouse!!. The closing variant can be seen at the end of their films, among the other closing variant. However, the still variant was debuted on Deadly Demon VS The Snurps. Rarely, the logo without the "ZAP!" sound and the switch sound can be seen on films such as The Jellies And The Slormies, What A Glamorous Pharaoh!, and Flaming Wind Can't Stop filmed in videotape. Also, the logo with a bass note can be seen on A Life On Nimbus, The Retroputer, and Dreadful Tower among others.

2nd Logo (March 3, 1982-December 12, 1989)[]

Visuals: On the space background, we see a spinning wireframe globe zooming downward. When it reaches to the centre, the spinning stops, and the globe turns blue slowly. After that, the word "WATER SNURP PICTURES" in a Futura font slides in front of the globe. Suddenly, a few seconds later, a shine on the "A" appears and brightens, brightening more as it turns into a white background.

Variant: A closing variant exists, where it has the word "Produced by" above "WATER SNURP PICTURES". Also, the logo is still.

Technique: CGI done by William Cameron.

Audio: A synthesized bass warbling that increases in pitch. When it gets to a high pitch, a loud electronic synth music plays. A whoosh when it turns into a white background. Plus, the music ends with a synth drone.

Audio Variant: The closing variant has a "ZAP!" sound from the previous logo, followed by a jazzy fanfare.

Availability: Again, seen on most films by the company. It was first founded on Hieroglyph's Fight among other films. It can be found on The Bravest Mole. However, the closing variant can be seen at the end of their most films. Rarely, this was also seen on Elite The Goblin alongside other films by the company.

3rd Logo (December 12, 1989-)[]

Visuals: Over a black background is a glowing red ring. Inside the ring, the word "WATER SNURP PICTURES" in Handel Gothic font flickers in. A few seconds later, the ring turns off, leaving the word as the word flickers out.

Technique: Live-action.

Audio: An electronic synth music playing throughout with buzzing noises when the word flickers in and out. The music ends with a high synth note.

Availability: This was found on Medal VS Coin and The Aging Robot among several films by the company before their company was folded in 1990. This was also seen on the IBO Network airing of their film A Blue Cobra.
