1st Logo (2013)
Nickname: WL Productions
Logo: we see the super why! presto, character in a box saying Wonderland Productions!
Trivia: i just saw it last night, the varinat of the logo appears in my dream.
Variant: on No one's slesg on my Dream channel, the toy dinosaur from Toy Story blows the cape, and the character says AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it goes away by making the accident.
FX/SFX: None. in a variant, the funny and hilarous animation.
Cheesy Factor: IMPORTANT!
Music/Sounds: The DIC Kid in Bed 1890's logo music
Availability: Myth. seen on NO ONE'S SLEG! on my dream channel
Scare Factor: None for the normal variant, this is not scary. Low for the NO ONE'S SLEG vairant. this is funny, the toy dinosaur blowing its cape just makes it funny.