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XPK Productions is a production company founded by Xavier Pikes-King on June 5, 2009. It launched XPK Productions' first film, Xavier's Video: Special Olympics Down State. In June 2012, it co-produced with USA Films, with its latest film, Graduation Party: The Movie. Then on December 7, 2012, XPK Productions became as part of LGF Holdings that Xave created for Lionsgate. On May 1, 2013, XPK Productions started its home video company for producing homemade VHS tapes. On July 25, 2013, XPK Productions' home video company, later became XPK Productions Video, and expanded to DVD, and Blu-ray, and later XPK Productions/LIVE Entertainment Video.

1st Logo



Logo: On a black background, we see a "^_^" symbol and the words "XPK PRODUCTIONS".

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the film.

Availability: Seen at the end of Xavier's Video: Special Olympics Down State.

Scare Factor: None.

2nd Logo

(2010-September 17, 2011)

File:XPK Productions Logo 182 (2).jpg

Nickname: "The Microsoft PowerPoint Background"

Logo: The background dissolves in and the symbol rotates in and the text spins in the word, "XPK PRODUCTIONS".

FX/SFX: Everything.

Music/Sounds: A 10-note future synthesized jingle tune, same as the K-Star Pictures Feature Presentation ID.

Availability: Common.

Scare Factor: None.

3rd Logo

(September 17, 2011 - present)

File:Preview uid 28585 lionsgate 78119 0424.jpg

Nicknames: "New Logo", "Lionsgate Style", "The Orange Bar", "The Old Vipid Symbol", "CREATED BY WWW.VIPID.COM".

Logo: Same animation as the current Lionsgate logo, the gate opened and the words, "XPK PRODUCTIONS".

FX/SFX: Same as the Lionsgate logo.


  • There's another version with "Celebrating 5 Years" on it.
  • Starting on June 23, 2016, the LGF Holdings byline fades in below.
  • On some television shows, a sped up shortened version of the logo, the words "TELEVISION" below "XPK PRODUCTIONS" and above the LGF Holdings byline.


  • 2011-2014: Same as the horror version of the Lionsgate logo.
  • 2014-: A triumphant fanfare.

Availability: Common. Seen on homemade VHS releases, such as Xavier's Video: Special Olympics Down State and La Femme Nikita.

Scare Factor: Medium.

4th Logo

(June 1, 2012)

Logo: The logo appeared on the closing credits of latest movies by USA Films. The words "XPK PRODUCTIONS" in the same font as the 2011 logo.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: Same as the first closing logo.

Availability: Seen on ending credits of latest movies. First seen on "Graduation Party: The Movie".

Scare Factor: None.
