Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

CheesyBob42 Digimon Frontier: The Movie (2004, B): The logo plays, but the city skyline is replaced with a space background. On trailers and TV spots, however, "FOX" is replaced with "DIGIMON".

CartoonNetworkTwo Poof Presents... The Invasion of the Baby Snatchers (2022): The current Searchlight Pictures logo plays, but at the end, Daffy Duck (from Looney Tunes) walks in and says "Wait, hold everything! That light screen's burnin' my eyes! Reverse!". The rightmost searchlight moves back from us and after that, Daffy Duck says "Now, this is more like it!" and walks offscreen. Then, we fade out. The international version has the same variant but we fade out when the screen fills with light, and Bugs Bunny (also from Looney Tunes) says "Too late". Trailers have the word "BOTTLE" placed above "SEARCHLIGHT",

dominickjr Yippi's Day Off: A Yappo the Dog Movie (2006): The logo plays, but "FOX" is replaced with "DOG".

MechaKingghidoraFan Saint Sea Hat: The Musical (2007): The current logo plays, but "FOX Searchlight" is replaced by "Saint Sea Hat."

lukesams The Lizard Whisperer (2011): The newest Fox Searchlight Pictures logo plays, but "LIZARD" replaces "FOX".

Captain Z29 (2006), You'll Never Work In This Town, Again! (September 2008), Sick Chicken (December 2011), and Frankie Mouseken (January 20, 2012): The 1995 black background logo is used, but the text is yellow and the background is purple. Also, the News Corporation byline appears below.


Helping with the Technology (2007): The Fox Searchlight Pictures logo plays, but "FOX SEARCHLIGHT PICTURES" is replaced by "Helping with the Searchlight"

All Aboard the Wagon! (2022): The Searchlight Pictures logo plays but "WAGON" replaces "SEARCHLIGHT", making it read "WAGON PICTURES".

JustinSchick1991 The Sponge (1999): The 1995 Fox Searchlight Pictures logo is tinted yellow.


The King and Link Show (1952-present, 1998-2003 episodes only):The logo is on a photo with the text "The Program has been sponsored by" and TELEVISION replaces PICTURES.

Napoleon Dynamite 2 (2008):The logo crumbles in half with the same Fox fanfare as Don DoDo(1986). In the trailers and commercials, the logo is on Napoleon's TV.


Toiletim: The Toilet Lord (2014): The logo plays normal, but "Searchlight is replaced by "Toilet". And instead of the light shining on us, the logo zooms past a searchlight to start the movie. The music is also the same as the opening of "Get Smart".
