Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki
Adam's Dream Logos 2.0 - Adam's Closing Logos - Dream Logos Wiki

(June 5, 1979)


Visuals: On a blue background, a red italic square fades in. Then the square expands and then splits as it moves next to the other italic square, and then two italic lines then wipes in on the squares, forming a Z. Then the abstract Z then duplicates into two and turns into a regular letter in a Haettenschweiler font as "aminida Film Company", then wipes in next to the Z, and then "mempersembahkan", then finaly fades in under the text.

Technique: The squares along with the lines, and the texts...

Cheesy Factor: ...Which is beyond choppy for 1979, the animation is very tacky for the late 70's and dated as well. The Z design looks quite unrecognizable and a bit ugly too.

Audio: A malaysian-sounding fanfare.

Availability: Seen on Perenita Mangadr.

Scare Factor: Medium.
